How do you know when you’ve truly found that aligns with who you are and what you do? I find that I’ve been coming back to this one word ‘alignment’ simply because it applies to just about everything. That sense of belonging can be elusive and must come from a place of self-awareness, in other words alignment with yourself. When I started on the path of mythic art, all I knew was that this was my artistic path and I must follow. I had no guide posts, no other creators on the same path who I could look to, and to this day I very much feel that I’m blazing a new trail while gleaning insights from artists as close and helpful to the unfolding of this work.
I simply stepped into the darkness of mystery, not knowing where my feet would catch, with only my internal compass to point the way. With the torch of my craft in hand, I called out with my words and art, hoping to find the receptive ears of kindred spirits. I’ve wrestled with the question of “Where are my people?”, losing myself in the labyrinth of a mind desperately seeking answers. Lo and behold, one night the answer came to me clear as day: We’re the ones on the same wavelength, who realize life as an adventure to be fully lived, ourselves as dynamic beings far too great to be caught up in a vanilla, mediocre existence, knowing this journey and ourselves for what it’s truly meant to be: Mythical.
It's not simply about appreciating brush strokes on canvas, it’s about finding ourselves in something that goes far below the surface, to the primal within. It’s not simply about self-expression, it’s about being a prism for the universal to come through and reach as many people who feel the call as possible. I’m eternally grateful for the ones who promote this mission and in so doing, all others to find themselves in mythical creativity.
Here are a handful of the most recent champions, and events where you may come find me and find yourself in the mythical:

RemainReal Fine Art Gallery
‘The Art of Her’ Show going through March
Opening Show: Friday, March 7th 5:30-9:30pm
Artist Reception: Friday, March 21st 6:30-8:30pm
The instant I first stepped inside this gallery, I knew it was something special. Was it the black and gold, the inviting demeanor of its representatives, or something more? As much as I love art, I find myself to be very selective in the type of art I personally appreciate (Surprise, surprise, modern ‘art’ doesn’t quite do it for me). I know it when I see it, and in this case I knew right when I saw the creations adorning this space that this place is for me, and that I’d love to be involved with them.
You never really know how your art is gonna land, and thankfully the admiration was requited when I applied for my first show here: ‘New Chapter’ featuring 3 of my goddess pieces: ‘Dancing Yemaya’ featuring Yemaya, ‘Deliverance at Dawn’ depicting Kali, and ‘Timeless Vignettes’ with Scheherazade. These three beauties adorned the well-lit walls in ways that allowed all who witnessed them to be captivated in their presence. This month, Lakshmi and Freya get their chance to shine during ‘The Art of Her’ show. The two best occasions to come by are their opening night this Friday the 7th from 5:30-9:30pm, and the Artist Reception on the 21st from 6:30-8:30pm.

Mirus Gallery
‘Mirus Marketplace’
Live Painting: March 14th and March 28th, 9pm-midnight
You never know where you may end up when you follow the trail of authentic connection and contribution. In my case, discovery of the visionary artist hub in Denver (Once again following my nose for art that I genuinely like, created by people I vibe with). I’m a firm believer in fostering connections with people who you genuinely like, and also hanging with people driving a winning ship.
When Catalyst Crystals and Jewelry teamed up with Mirus to hold First Friday After Hours events, I was exposed to an environment that elevated the art to a whole new level. Each event was electric with social energy, infusing each live painting with an animated charge, bringing the vibrant potency through each piece. Imagine being able to see a creation being formed before your eyes, interacting with the one bringing it to life. This is the magic of live painting: Watching as the cake is being made while connecting with the creator, and even perhaps inspiring the creation of the art.

The Oasis Neurosculpting Institute
‘Support Local’
April 13th, noon-4pm
It’s said that you should have 3 types of people in your circle: People who are on your level, people who you primarily can teach, and ones who you learn from (With the massive caveat that these may vary from subject to subject, but as a general rule still holds water). Lisa Wimberger, the founder of Neurosculpting, is one who, whenever possible, I simply drink in wisdom and am rewarded with understanding. I first met her through her workshop on creating compelling Instagram videos as a professional creator, and when she opened up her new expanded space, I knew I had to check it out.
Sure enough, the spirit of the name carries throughout the truly spacious environment. The Colorado sunlight gracefully meets the exotic rugs and visionary art of Robert Venosa and Martina Hoffman. As an artist, I’ve found revelation after revelation enter my mind and flow through my hand in this truly beatific place. Next month, I’ll be joining local creators for an elevated confluence of creativity and local business support, to be nourished in by a place that earns its name ‘The Oasis’.
You can register for Support Local here:

The International Society of Mythology
‘Myth Fest’
April 26th, 9am-3pmMT – I speak on a panel from 11:15-12:45pm
When you speak your Truth into the world, sometimes you only need one person to hear you who’ll lead you to the next step. Such was the case when I spoke about my love of mythical art, connection to the psychedelic, and that Braveheart is my favorite movie of all time. One new friend connected me to Scott Mason a.k.a. ‘The Myth Slayer’, by brother in mythical storytelling, and the rest is history. Our friendship was forged in an instant, and would unfold over time, most notably through our collaboration ‘Mythic Monday’, where each week we select a unique mythic figure and feature them on the show, as I create a live sketch, then at the end we talk about what’s coming through the art and story. From the time when I felt the urge to pursue public speaking, Scott has been an invaluable asset every step of the way.
When I received the email from the International Society of Mythology inviting me to speak on a panel for their upcoming ‘Myth Fest’ event, my excitement was through the roof. These are people who love mythical storytelling as I do, and are providing an opportunity to share the meaningfulness of the art alongside fellow creators. The cherry on top was knowing that Scott had made this connection, and again affirmed the meaning of a true friend who will speak on your behalf in rooms where you may not be present. When you have a friend such as this, be sure to do justice to that friendship and lean into desire for them to succeed, as they surely hold for you.
You can find the tickets for this Myth Fest here
I hope to see you at one or more of these events, and whatever you do remember to live mythically!